How can Social Media Impact Divorce Hearings?

Over three quarters of the attorneys surveyed in an American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) study said they had seen an increase in cases involving evidence gleaned from social media. Attorneys and private investigators can easily find incriminating evidence on profile pages, wall comments, status updates, and photo files.  Many times, the  information posted to these social media sites present an image of the spouse or parent that may negatively affect  alimony disputes and custody fights.  The parent in question could easily lose custody, alimony, or both, due to evidence of inappropriate behavior found online.


Mind your digital P’s & Q’s

Social media faux pas give divorce attorneys the ammunition they need to take aggressive action in Florida family law courts. A bad status update can work for you, but it can also work against you. Remember that once you put information out on social media, even if deleted, it could have been subject to a screenshot or already indexed in search engines.

That is why lawyers familiar with divorce and social media encourage clients to keep their use of social media in check. Stick to only the facts in e-mail communications or text messages and leave emotions out of it.  Be vigilant as to what you are posting on social media site, as it may be used against you.


Guard your reputation like it was the most important thing in the world — because it is.

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