Recent Divorce Articles
An Award of Alimony in Florida
There are many things a court has to consider when dealing with a request for alimony, but the first issue the court has to determine is whether either party actually needs alimony, and whether either party can actually pay alimony. From there, the court in...
Unmarried with Children: Your child custody rights in Florida
Child Custody Out Of Wedlock - Legal Issues Unmarried parents often deal with a number of difficult situations when it comes to child custody and child support. An unwed mother might find that the father of her child refuses to acknowledge paternity and refuses to pay...
Parents: You are going through a divorce, Not your children
Parents going through a divorce need to remember that their words and actions have a direct impact on their children during a divorce. Remember – you are going through the divorce – not your children… and by that I mean your children are not divorcing either you or...
Alimony in Florida: What you need to know
The purpose of alimony in Florida is to provide financial assistance to the economically weaker spouse. In order to even be considered for an entitlement to alimony, there has to be a legal marriage a need for financial assistance on the part of the requesting...
Hiring a Divorce Lawyer is an Investment in Your Future
How is a Divorce Attorney, an investment in your future? Q client told their lawyer that hiring a lawyer to handle divorce is like investing in your future. If you don’t choose the right one, it could be a very bleak future. I don’t say that to be the oh no woe is...
Top 9 Presumptions Made by Florida Courts in Divorce Cases
Florida divorce law contains many presumptions. A presumption assumes one simple fact from the existence of another fact. Presumptions are a good way to make it easier to ascertain a fact or even to implement the state's public procedures. Here are a few of the...
Do You Need an Attorney to Handle a Florida Divorce
Florida Divorce: Do I really need an Attorney? I have had several people come to me in the untold number of years that I have practiced law who have asked me if they need to have a divorce attorney to handle their dissolution of marriage case. I am a bit humored...
Social Media and Divorce: Protect your interests
How can Social Media Impact Divorce Hearings? Over three quarters of the attorneys surveyed in an American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) study said they had seen an increase in cases involving evidence gleaned from social media. Attorneys and private...
50% of American Marriages End in Divorce…Not Exactly.
What is the current divorce rate in America? On a regular basis, I overhear many people discuss the American divorce rate as 50%. Although this statistic will likely become true in our lifetimes, the generalization is not accurate. The Americans for Divorce Reform...